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技术编号:4170156 阅读:225 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Ultrasonic spectral shift parameter imaging method for determining cancellous bone microstructure

The invention belongs to the field of ultrasonic medical technology, in particular to an ultrasonic spectrum offset parameter imaging method for determining cancellous bone microstructure. This method uses a single high-frequency ultrasound scan to measure the cancellous bone at each scan position to the cancellous bone vertical launch ultrasonic pulse wave; ultrasonic propagation by cancellous bone microstructure, the back scattering of ultrasonic signal received by the probe back the same; for each sweep signal receiving. Where are the signal processing, frequency offset parameter of the received signal and the transmit signal of the ultrasonic spectrum offset parameter matrix corresponding to the scanning area; the parameter matrix is mapped into the ultrasonic spectrum offset parameter image, pixel value and parameter value is proportional to. The present invention proposes methods for ultrasonic imaging using spectral offset parameters in cancellous bone of the back scattered signal, compared to the traditional cancellous bone imaging method based on transmission method, can better reflect the characteristics of the microstructure of cancellous bone.


一种用于定征松质骨微结构的超声频谱偏移量参数成像方法,其特征在于具体步骤为:    (1)超声探头在扫描系统控制下,扫描待测离体松质骨,在每个扫描位置,向离体松质骨垂直发射超声脉冲波,超声波的传播受到松质骨微结构的作用,背向散射回来的超声信号由同一超声探头接收;    (2)对每一个扫描位置处接收的信号分别进行信号处理,提取接收信号与发射信号的频谱偏移量参数,获得对应于扫描区域的超声频谱偏移量参数矩阵;    (3)把参数矩阵映射成超声频谱偏移量参数图像,象素值与参数值成比例关系,完成超声频移量参数成像。



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