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技术编号:19553913 阅读:63 留言:0更新日期:2018-11-24 22:27

A Drink for Regulating the Function of Human Intestine and Stomach

A beverage that regulates the function of human intestines and stomach is prepared by crushing the ingredients of ginseng, mixing them with sugar and liquor, adding purified water and probiotics for reproduction to obtain high concentration probiotic liquid, then adding high concentration probiotic liquid to synthetic amino acid for dry fermentation to obtain amino acid material, finally adding purified water, sugar and fermentation to the amino acid material. Maternal bacteria were fermented and prepared to obtain the finished products; because of the use of a variety of medicinal and edible homologous plants as nutrient powder medium, feeding a variety of probiotics for reproduction, in the preservation of the original ingredients of ginseng ingredients without changing the premise, the effective ingredients of drugs into probiotics, forming a high concentration of active ingredients. Degree probiotic liquid is conducive to the subsequent amino acid fermentation.





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