
技术编号:18465313 阅读:26 留言:0更新日期:2018-07-18 15:39

Capacitive pressure sensor and its preparation method

A capacitive pressure sensor consists of a first flexible substrate (101), a first graphene electrode plate (102), an insulating medium layer (103), a second graphene electrode plate (104) and a second flexible substrate (105), in which the insulating layer (103) is used to isolate the first stone plate (102) and second graphene electrode plates (104) and maintain it. A predetermined interval; the first graphene electrode plate (102) and the second graphene electrode plate (104) include at least one series of graphene electrodes, and at least one graphene electrode in series in series of the first graphene electrode plate (102) and at least one of the second graphene electrode plates (104) are arranged in a series of graphene electrodes, and the capacitance is arranged. Each capacitance in a plurality of capacitors of the pressure sensor consists of a pair of graphene electrodes at the intersection of the first graphene electrode plate (102) and the second graphene electrode plate (104). A method of making capacitive pressure sensors is also provided.





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