
技术编号:17101903 阅读:32 留言:0更新日期:2018-01-21 12:26

Intelligent electronic development and testing system

An intelligent electronic testing system, including intelligent mobile phone and a control box, wherein, the operation of electronic testing system simulation interface of APP software of the intelligent mobile phone; the simulation interface set free test function development and free electrons, the function corresponding to the pin on the control box; the control box is connected with the intelligent mobile phone, the control box is provided with a set of connecting pin, the number and the corresponding number of analog interface; the control box and the software design of the system chip connection, intelligent mobile phone will transmit the received information to pass to the software system, the software development system the signal sent to the intelligent mobile phone transmission and display in simulation interface. The intelligent electronic development and testing system is convenient and fast, and it is easy to improve the efficiency of Engineering developers, while reducing waste, saving materials, environmental protection and energy saving, and has good application value.





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