
技术编号:16934177 阅读:39 留言:0更新日期:2018-01-03 04:30

A whole continuous measuring method and system for vertical force of wheel and rail

A method for continuous measurement of wheel rail vertical force, the test area and second units in the first unit test area and consists of first unit and second unit test area measuring structure first 2 composite test area, the method includes: using the first and second shear (Q1, Q2) and the first and second measurement points (shear force Q1, Q2) measured between the sleeper vertical supporting force (Nj) measurement results of measurement points, obtained in the first unit test area on the wheel rail vertical force (F1); the second and third shear (Q2, Q3) and second measuring points and third shear (Q2, Q3) between the measurement points sleeper vertical supporting force (Nj) measurement results of measurement points, obtained in the second unit test area on the wheel rail vertical force (F2); get the role in the first 2 composite measurement of wheel rail vertical force region; and the wheel area and first measured in first and second unit 2 composite measuring wheel rail vertical on the combination of force, The wheel - track vertical force of the wheel and rail is obtained. A full continuous surface measurement system for wheel vertical force is also disclosed.





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