
技术编号:15530472 阅读:152 留言:0更新日期:2017-06-04 17:35

Antenna oscillator for double polarization of multi frequency antenna

The present invention provides a method for multi frequency antenna, dual polarization antenna includes four radiation unit (201), for the radiation unit (201) and a balun feed unit fixing plate for fixing the balun unit (202); the balun unit consists of two blocks the medium plate (203), each of the medium plate (203) printed on the two signal transmission unit (301), a feed unit and two filter unit (402), the unit will be the balun filter unit (402) to construct LC resonant tank structure, and could adjust the the filtering unit (402) to achieve a specific frequency range makes the implementation of decoupling, even if the antenna is applied to different frequency oscillator work scene is different between the band radiation unit (201) in close arrangement does not appear when the electric magnetic coupling strongly, in order to make the The antenna vibrator provided by the utility model can guarantee the normal operation of the antenna in the relevant frequency band.





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