
技术编号:13223034 阅读:60 留言:0更新日期:2016-05-13 03:31

Spray dust remover

The utility model discloses a spray dust remover, which comprises an air inlet pipe and the water inlet pipe, the inlet pipe and the water inlet pipe through a three-way valve mixed, another interface of the three-way valve is connected with a gas water mixing tube, the gas pipe water mixing pipe is wound and fixed on a cylinder body, gas and water the mixing pipe is arranged at the other end of the nozzle, the gas and water mixing pipe winding into the cylinder, the gas water mixing tube length increases, and the gas water mixing tube can be fully developed, so that the high pressure gas and high pressure water mixing time increased, and the high pressure gas and high pressure water around the cylinder in high speed, mixing effect is achieved, the high pressure gas fully mixed with high pressure water, so that the steam water mixture may be raised from the atomization nozzle, improve dust removing effect.





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