
技术编号:9627041 阅读:180 留言:0更新日期:2014-01-30 17:06

Cathode lining structure of aluminium electrolytic bath

The utility model relates to an aluminium electrolytic cell cathode lining structure, including shell, plane, and the bottom structure of carbon cathode, carbon cathode includes a cathode carbon block and the cathode steel bar, the bottom structure includes a layer of a layer of ceramic fiber board, calcium silicate board and two layer insulating brick, on the second floor is arranged around the insulating brick ceramic fiber board, a layer of dry barrier material and cathode carbon block, the inclined plane of asbestos board, ceramic fiber board, calcium silicate board each layer; in the cathode carbon block ends longitudinal castable, between castable and the shell side of the heat insulation brick and masonry with ceramic fiber board, second in lateral castable cathode carbon block, in second the castable is above the side carbon block ceramic fiber layer is arranged between the side carbon block and the shell, in the cathode carbon block, the gap at the side carbon block, and second castable castable filled with paste around . This structure improves the electrolyzer stability and energy utilization rate, reducing energy consumption, and avoid the electrobath corner leg hypertrophy phenomenon.





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