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JX200 WSN RFID物联网教学实验系统技术方案

技术编号:6093745 阅读:295 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

JX200, WSN, RFID Internet of things teaching experimental system

The product integrates UHF / ISO180006, HF / ISO15693, HF / ISO13334, LF125K module, ZigBee module, sensor network module, through the CPU software program control or jumper selection of different modules separately or together, the information can be processed by CPU respectively through the communication module and the ZigBee module is transmitted to the PC machine, released to on the Internet; through the state of information sensing module sensing the external ZigBee module integrated design, to get the information transmitted to the CPU module or through the wireless transmission module and communication module is transmitted to the computer, the Internet can be released; through the ZigBee module for wireless transmission of information, through the PC machine The teaching experiment system can be operated remotely and wirelessly. Through software, we can analyze the GB command and anti-collision algorithm.


一种JX200 WSN RFID物联网教学实验系统,其特征是:包括CPU、ISO18000-6模块、ISO15693模块、ISO14443模块、125K模块、天线模块、信号测量模块、通讯模块、按键模块、电源管理模块、液晶模块、ZigBee模块、传感网模块、无线传输模块,其中ISO18000-6模块、ISO15693模块、ISO14443模块、125K模块、天线模块、信号测量模块、通讯模块、按键模块、电源管理模块、液晶模块、ZigBee模块和CPU相连,传感网模块、无线传输模块和ZigBee模块相连。



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