
技术编号:4175219 阅读:168 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40
本发明专利技术揭露一种动态分配通讯网络(NETWORK COMMUNICATION)负载的方法,系适用于与通讯网络连接的路由器(Router),包括:实时取得路由器的数据输入接口的总输入流量;再,判断总输入流量达到一预设的警戒流量之后启动一定时器;继而,在定时器计时终了后再判断总输入流量是否达到警戒流量,若判断为是,则启用一分流机制,将总输入流量由原集中于默认优先的第一转送路径透过原备用的第二转送路径分出部分的流量;最后,在启用分流机制后持续判断总输入流量是否持续达到警戒流量,若判断为否,则关闭分流机制,若判断为是,则持续使用分流机制。

Method for dynamically allocating communication network load

The invention discloses a dynamic allocation of communication network (NETWORK COMMUNICATION) load method is applied to the connection and the communication network router (Router), including: real-time access to the total input flow data input interface of the router; then, the judgment after total input flow reaches a preset alarm flow start a timer; then. In the end of the timer after the judgment whether the total input flow reaches the warning flow, if judged to be, enable a shunt mechanism, the total input flow from the original focus on the first transfer path of the default priority through the original spare parts into second transfer path flow; finally, in the judgment of the diversion mechanism enabled continued after total input flow whether to continue to reach the warning flow, if not, turn off shunt machine If the judgment is yes, continue to use diversion mechanism.


一种动态分配通讯网络负载的方法,系适用于连接该通讯网络的至少一路由器,该路由器含有一路径表,该路径表包括预设的至少一第一转送路径与备用的至少一第二转送路径,其特征在于,该动态分配通讯网络负载的方法包含: 实时监控总输入流量,其系实时取 得该路由器的数据输入接口的总输入流量; 判断该总输入流量是否达到一警戒流量,若判断为否,则回到实时监控总输入流量步骤,若判断为是,则启动一定时器; 该定时器计时终了后判断该总输入流量是否达到该警戒流量,若判断为是,则启用一分流机 制;以及 启用该分流机制后持续判断该总输入流量是否达到该警戒流量,若判断为否,则关闭该分流机制。



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