
技术编号:9627055 阅读:108 留言:0更新日期:2014-01-30 17:07

A car taillight trim for electroplating rack

The utility model relates to an electric lamp decoration for electroplating hanging tool composed of a hanging rack and an elastic strip electrode, electrode, hanging rack is fixedly arranged on the top rack is a rectangle truss, the interval of the longitudinal front and back sides respectively between a plurality of mounting rack in uniform on the installation seat is circular, four elastic solid with uniform stays in front of each radial mount, waved outward in the conductive parts of the elastic strip. The hanger four circular supporting ways, namely in the riser area decoration four round support, making the electric car taillight trim can be conveniently and safely mounted on the rack, can be guaranteed to be plated products hanging reliability, the product is not easy to fall off, and can effectively prevent the plating product deformation, effective guarantee the electroplating quality and appearance.





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