
技术编号:8936824 阅读:138 留言:0更新日期:2013-07-18 06:16

Control device for internal combustion engine

The invention provides a control device of an internal combustion engine, which can be used to judge the closing fault of a EGR valve under the condition that the inlet pressure becomes higher than the exhaust pressure. Intake port fuel injection valve () equipped with intake air (12a) jet fuel. A EGR path (50) is provided with an air intake passage (12) and an exhaust passage (). An open and close EGR valve (58) equipped with a EGR path (50) is provided with a main air fuel ratio sensor (46) for detecting the actual air-fuel ratio of the exhaust gas discharged from the cylinder of an internal combustion engine (10). In the closed EGR valve (58) close commands, high inlet pressure conditions and the transition condition, in by the main air-fuel ratio sensor (46) detects the exhaust air-fuel ratio of the measured value is the ratio of the air-fuel ratio of the exhaust gas of the specified target value to determine the value of dilute dilute above the value of the case, judge for the EGR valve (58) close fault.





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