
技术编号:6068870 阅读:310 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Method and device for detecting and processing SCCP loop

Including the detection and processing method of a SCCP loop: no GT connection routing processing business message sent to the first network element ne second; according to the routing results, determine the connectionless service in a message called address has been modified, and the next hop routing network is the second network element; if the called address does not modify and the next hop routing network is the second network element, it is determined to produce the SCCP loop between the first element and the second element. As a result of routing results, it is more efficient and more applicable to judge whether there is a SCCP loop between two network elements. In addition, the operation of SCCP loop detection based on hop counters is carried out ahead of the business process, thus avoiding the impact of SCCP loop detection delay on the business.





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