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技术编号:6059413 阅读:296 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

A multi chip network architecture based on statistical time division multiplexing

The invention discloses a multi chip cluster statistical time division multiplexing technology on network architecture based on the architecture uses statistical bus structure based on time-division multiplexing technology in the cluster; on the bus with the main equipment, from the equipment, bus parts and statistical time division multiplexing control unit; statistical multiplexing control unit and main equipment, from equipment and bus parts connected; the slave device includes a memory and has a network interface mechanism for waiting; bus parts include the arbiter, decoder, multiplexer; statistical time division multiplexing control unit and control bus main equipment, equipment to achieve from the statistical time division multiplexing mechanism with network interface; receiving data transmission mechanism for launch on the bus the main equipment of the request, and to meet the conditions to trigger trigger transmission. The invention can effectively reduce the network load and reduce the communication delay, thereby improving the overall performance of the on chip network system, thereby having good practical value and wide application prospect.





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