
技术编号:6053930 阅读:190 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Access control method, network entity and access control system

The invention discloses an access control method, a network entity and an access control system, and is applied to the communication field. The method comprises: acquiring characteristics of MTC devices and the characteristics of the categories of information characteristics, characteristics of the MTC device characteristics category information includes a first class or second class property characteristics, if the characteristics of the MTC device belongs to the first category characteristics, when the characteristics of activation of the MTC device, allowing the MTC devices to access the network, when the characteristics of the MTC device cannot be activated when rejecting the MTC devices to access the network; if the characteristics of the MTC equipment belonging to the second categories according to the characteristics, the ability of network information, signing the MTC device and the MTC device in at least one of the MTC access control equipment. The invention can enable the communication network to correctly activate the MTC characteristic of the MTC device, and also can correctly access the MTC device.





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