
技术编号:6050840 阅读:418 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40
本发明专利技术公开了一种LTE系统中主同步信号检测与序列生成方法及装置,解决3GPP LTE系统在小区初始搜索过程中本地主同步序列存储开销大的问题。所述主同步信号检测方法包括:直接从时域上产生等幅的本地主同步信号序列作为匹配滤波器;对接收信号进行前端处理,将经过前端处理后的接收信号与本地主同步信号序列进行匹配滤波,对匹配滤波后得到的信号序列的输出幅度进行判决,得到主同步信号序列检测结果。

Method and device for generating main synchronization signal detection and sequence in LTE system

The present invention discloses a detection and sequence of the primary synchronization signal in a LTE system generating method and device, to solve the 3GPP LTE system to search for local primary synchronization sequence storage overhead in the process of problem in the area of initial. The detection method comprises: a primary synchronization signal generating local primary synchronization signal sequence amplitude directly from the time domain as the matching filter; the receiving signal of front-end processing, the received signal and the local primary synchronization signal sequence of front-end processing after matched filtering, the output amplitude of the signal sequence obtained after the matched filter of judgment and get the primary synchronization signal sequence detection results.





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