
技术编号:6048380 阅读:173 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Method for monitoring CE and routing device

The present invention provides a method for monitoring user edge router CE, when the monitored CE access to common CE, CE sends the message to be monitored by the monitoring of PE, PE by monitoring the message is forwarded to CE monitoring; monitoring CE of message processing, and forward the received message to the monitoring PE; PE will monitor message to general CE, general CE to process the received message, response message, and transmits the response message to the monitoring by monitoring PE; PE transmits the response message to the monitoring of CE, monitoring CE response message processing, and transmits the response message received to monitor PE, then by monitoring the PE response message will be forwarded to the monitored CE. The invention also discloses a routing device, routing device and method of the invention is applied to monitor CE, can not affect the other MPLS? L3VPN network flow situation, flexibly to monitor the monitored CE.





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