
技术编号:6042508 阅读:357 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Method for implementing semi dry plating on surface of plastic base material

The invention relates to a method of semi dry electroplating on the surface of a plastic base material, in particular to a plastic plating method. To provide a surface metal plastic material, simplify the plating process, greatly reduce wastewater emissions, reduce the pollution of the environment, and expand the scope of plastic substrates can be electroplated in the plastic substrate surface semi dry plating method. Anhydrous cleaning and dust on the plastic substrate; on the surface of the plastic substrate first activation; activation of the surface of the plastic substrate treated by implementing PVD plating metal layer, alloy transition layer and metal conductive layer; the plastic substrate treated by ultrasonic water washing and 2 activation treatment; after treatment of plastic the substrate directly or into acid copper electroplating nickel bath implementation of nickel plating; depositing a plastic substrate processed into chrome plating bath of chromium plating finally or hang into the PVD furnace of chromium layer.





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