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技术编号:4176566 阅读:492 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

A video sequence CopyMove tamper detection method based on compressed domain

The invention discloses a video sequence CopyMove tamper detection method based on compressed domain, the method of feature extraction by GOP content and motion vector calculation to detect tampering, CopyMove video sequences of all GOP in the content and the movement similarity parameter, which comprises the steps of: A, all the GOP content similarity calculation; B the calculation of similarity of all GOP movement; the overall similarity calculation of all C, GOP content and motion; CopyMove tampering detection D, video sequence, set the similarity threshold to judge whether there is relationship between video sequence copy, if it exists, the video has been tampered with CopyMove. The method of direct extraction of content and motion data of video sequence decoding process as the calculation parameters, so the detection speed is fast; due to the noise and fuzzy processing only have influence on the video sequence, and the video sequence content and the movement is small, so the detection effect is good, can anti noise; due to set the similarity threshold, the false alarm rate and failure rate is low, so the high detection rate, low false detection rate.


一种基于压缩域的视频序列Copy-Move篡改检测方法,其特征在于,该方法通过提取GOP内容和运动矢量的特征,并计算所有GOP在内容和运动上的相似性参数来检测视频序列的Copy-Move篡改,其具体步骤如下:    A、计算所有GOP内容的相似度:提取视频序列所有I帧图像I(t),并通过插值算法将I帧图像尺寸缩小,缩小后结果为I′(t),计算所有缩小后I帧图像I′(t)间的相似性参数ρ↓[I],以相似性参数ρ↓[I]表征GOP内容的相似度;    B、计算所有GOP运动的相似度:提取所有P帧运动矢量图,将运动矢量图划分为四个相等大小块,计算每个块内运动矢量模的和。并将同一GOP内所有P帧的这一计算结果取均值来表征整个GOP运动的特征V↓[G],利用提取的GOP运动特征,计算所有GOP间运动的相似性参数ρ↓[V],以相似性参数ρ↓[V]表征GOP运动的相似度;    C、计算所有GOP内容和运动的整体相似度:综合计算GOP内容和运动的整体相似度,将GOP的内容相似度ρ↓[I]与运动相似度ρ↓[V]进行乘积来表征GOP整体相似性参数ρ↓[G],以相似性参数ρG表征所有GOP内容和运动的整体相似度;    D、检测视频序列的Copy-Move篡改:设定相似度阈值判断视频序列是否存在Copy-Move篡改,如果视频序列两个GOP间相似度大于设定的相似度阈值时,则认为这两个GOP间存在复制关系,视频序列是经过Copy-Move篡改得到的;否则认为这两个GOP间不存在复制关系,若其中一个GOP与其它所有GOP间均不存在复制关系,则该GOP序列是没有经过Copy-Move篡改得到的。...



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