
技术编号:2984305 阅读:255 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Intelligent control method for traffic intersection

A kind of intelligent traffic crossing control method, the infrared receiver, the transmitter is composed of two groups, the implementation of traffic control system and traffic light is composed of MCU, based timing control in the existing traffic on the random traffic light control the opening and closing time: using the installation on the road next to the two group of infrared receiver the transmitter detection, real-time vehicle flow, and real-time traffic flow according to the detected Road, random traffic light control the opening and closing time, the traffic control to achieve intelligent traffic control degree. The two group of infrared receiver, the role of the transmitter in the intersection of the state of the passage through the infrared receiver, the number of vehicles, that is, the real time traffic flow. Infrared is blocked once, the default through a car. If the detection of the road traffic flow is greater than a certain value or at the same time with the road traffic flow in real time comparison, the random decision of the opening and closing time of the intersection traffic lights.


一种路口交通智能控制的方法,需在由两组红外线接收器、发射器和路口交通灯组成的路口交通控制系统中施行,所述的系统安装在A道路和B道路的交叉路口,A道路和B道路分别为南北向和东西向,所述的两组红外线接收器、发射器分别为第一组和第二组,第一组包括1号红外端口和2号红外端口,第二组包括3号红外端口、4号红外端口、5号红外端口、6号红外端口、7号红外端口和8号红外端口,1号红外端口和2号红外端口是直射式红外计数器,3~8号红外端口为反照式红外计数器,1号红外端口的红外线接收器和红外线发射器分别安装在B道路东段靠北边的人行道和隔离带上,2号红外端口的红外线接收器和红外线发射器分别安装在B道路西段靠南边的人行道和隔离带上,3~5号红外端口安装在B道路北段靠西边的人行道上,6~8号红外端口安装在B道路南段靠东边的人行道上,所有的红外线接收器均含道路实时车流量计,所有的道路实时车流量计通过电缆与单片机连接,路口交通灯经各自的驱动接口与单片机连接,其特征在于,操作步骤:第一步发射端发出信号;第二步接收端接收信号;第三步 被遮挡一次计数为1;第四步判断:遮挡时间是否≥2秒,如果是,执行第五步,如否,执行第五’步;第五步接收3~8号红外端口有无车辆信号?若有,执行第六步,若无,执行第六’步;第五’步接收1,2号红外端口有无车辆信号?若有,执行第七步,若无,执行第七’步;第六步A道路先通行;第六’步B道路显示绿灯;第七步接收器与发射器之间是否连续被遮挡≥2秒?如是,执行第八步,如否,执行第八’步;第七’步B道路显示红灯;第八步 B道路显示绿灯;第八’步B道路左转车辆开始通行;至第六步、第六’步、第七’步、第八步或第八’步执行完毕,一轮通行流程操作结束。...



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