
技术编号:2980838 阅读:147 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Split type management instrument

A split type management instrument, including the measurement module and a display module, wherein the measuring module and the display module is split structure, the measurement module and display module with CPU, measuring module and display module through a plurality of communication line (SPI) connection; the measurement module is installed in the switch cabinet any the position, the display module is installed on the front door. In order to make the input and output of the full realization of the electrical isolation, the output signal has no effect on the input end of the anti-interference ability, in the measurement module and display module communication line is provided with one-way transmission of electrical signals optocoupler. Split type management instrument of the utility model, the measurement module and display module separately, this measurement module can be installed in the switch cabinet wiring to the front door anywhere, just a few communication lines, work is very easy to design wiring cabinet switch, measurement and display part also improves the reliability of measurement and display system.





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