The utility model relates to the technical field of vehicle engineering, which uses a single wheel for each shoe to move in the rigid shoe and moves the shoe during the moving process. Because the ground contact area of the shoe cover is larger than that of the wheel type traveling device, the device has better off-road performance than the wheel type, and is not easy to sink and slip. Because the whole rigid shoe is used to replace the flexible track chain link of the traditional track, and the single wheel action is used to replace the complex driving wheel, inducer, bearing wheel and belt carrier wheel of the traditional track, the power utilization efficiency and traveling speed are improved and the energy consumption is reduced. It is a new type of traveling device that has the advantages of both wheel type and track type, and can partially replace wheel type and track type according to the volume and weight of vehicles or machinery and specific application conditions; at the same time, the characteristics of rigid and movable shoe cover make the vehicles or machinery relying on the shoe cover traveling device not limited to the fixed track route like the railway train.
,还没有一种能兼具轮式和履带两种行进装置优点,同时减少各自缺点的行进装置。2、在目前的陆地交通工具中,铁路列车具有比一般的轮式或履带式车辆更高的行进速度和更大的载重量,但轨道架设费用昂贵,列车也只能在固定的轨道线路上行驶。所以如果有一种使用新型行进方式的交通运输工具,能够像普通轮式车辆或履带式车辆那样不受固定轨道路线限制,又具备铁路列 ...