
技术编号:17102051 阅读:43 留言:0更新日期:2018-01-21 12:29

An assembly and assembly method of an insulated ring pickup arm, insulation ring assembly device

A kind of automatic extraction of insulation ring (301) of the insulating ring pickup arm, an insulating ring assembling device and assembling method, wherein the insulating ring is arranged on the end of the pickup arm with support sleeve (201) and the supporting sleeve (201) connected activities and is made of elastic material of the thimble (202). And the thimble (202) is larger than the diameter of the insulating ring (301) hollow section diameter is arranged on the supporting sleeve (201), respectively and the supporting sleeve (201) and the thimble (202) is connected with the elastic mechanism. The arm is picked up by the insulating ring (301), so that the insulating ring (301) picking arm can pick up the insulating ring automatically, so as to realize the automatic assembly of the insulating ring (301). During the pickup process, the insulation ring (301) is picked up by the interference fit between the thimble (202) and the insulating ring (301), thereby effectively preventing the deformation of the insulation ring (301), avoiding damaging the insulation ring (301), and improving the safety of the process of picking up the insulation ring (301).





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