
技术编号:16935953 阅读:16 留言:0更新日期:2018-01-03 06:30

Terminal image registration method, device and terminal

The embodiment of the invention provides a device and a terminal, terminal image registration method, the method includes: second video sequences acquired first video sequences and second camera first camera get taken; for the first image in the first time, the first in a video sequence, second images taken in the first time and the second video sequences first, determine the motion vector V and the first available motion vector V corresponding to the third and fourth images; acquires a first image with respect to the second motion vector U third images; fourth images obtained with respect to the third motion vector W second image; according to the first motion vector V, second U, and third motion vector motion vector W, get the corresponding relationship between the pixels of each pixel in the first image and the second image in the. The embodiment of the invention improves the speed of image registration, and can realize real time registration of two frame images, and can be applied to video shooting.





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