
技术编号:16283907 阅读:36 留言:0更新日期:2017-09-23 03:23

Piston pump control valve

The utility model relates to a plunger pump control valve and a control method thereof, comprising a valve body, a power valve component, a flow valve component, a one-way valve component and a speed regulating valve component. A passageway is arranged between the power valve component and the servo piston in parallel with the flow valve component, that is, a passageway is arranged between the A and the B in parallel with the flow valve component. The utility model has the advantages that the pressure oil from the power valve component can avoid the interference of the flow valve component, and the power variable can not appear the waiting state. The power valve component variables are independent of the flow valve component variables to avoid power offset. The flow valve component and the valve body can be made into a positive cover form, the whole pump leakage is reduced, and the efficiency is improved. At the same time, the power response time can be adjusted.





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