
技术编号:15287449 阅读:248 留言:0更新日期:2017-05-10 10:13

Slot antenna and electronic equipment

The embodiment of the invention provides a slot antenna and electronic device, relates to the antenna field, the slot antenna includes a printed circuit board, with the first gap capacitance, frequency source, transmission line and ground wire; printed circuit board ground; the gap is open at one end, the other end is closed; the first capacitor and the ground wire is arranged on the printed the circuit board, a first capacitor located at the slit opening end side and arranged in the slot; the first capacitor and the RF signal source is connected through a transmission line, and the RF signal source is connected with the transmission line and the ground wire; RF signal source for excitation signal and the signal feed, feed through the open end of the first capacitor fed slot. The present invention through a capacitor signal feed slot opening end, only need to use the fixed capacitor capacitance value which can realize the impedance matching, on the production process requirements are low, at the same time, smaller occupied space can reduce the capacitance of the slot antenna.

<a href="http://www.xjishu.com/zhuanli/59/201580042725.html" title="缝隙天线及电子设备原文来自X技术">缝隙天线及电子设备</a>




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