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技术编号:1456953 阅读:196 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Circulating water purification treatment equipment

The utility model relates to a purifying treatment equipment for circulating water, comprising an oxygen dissolved aeration box, a non pressure filter tank and a flushing pipe. Every bucket is arranged between two filter tank, the upper water tank and it is connected with a rotary bucket across the water tank, water outlet pipe connected to the lower part of the cyclone, the lower spacing bucket after row of air traffic control and control valve, and the water outlet pipe connected with the outlet control valve; in the raw water tank are provided with the flushing tube is also connected with a flushing pipe branch, branch and the intensity control pipe, strength control tube while the other end is connected with a vacuum pumping device; the flushing pipe is connected with a central three pass joint, the other two interfaces of three links are respectively connected with two wash control tubes, one flushing control is connected to the other end of the tube strength control tube, the other one flushing control tube connected with a control valve to control the bucket after washing time in isolation. The utility model has the advantages of the control across the flushing time bucket is connected with the water outlet pipe, a backwashing water bucket by reducing control valve on the evacuation pipe, gravity filtration equipment to solve the backwashing linkage or time control failures occur.





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