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技术编号:1456399 阅读:130 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

An anaerobic bioreactor

The invention discloses an efficient anaerobic bioreactor. It has a reactor body, the reactor at the lower end of the body is provided with a water inlet pipe and upflow reaction chamber, upflow reaction chamber through the diffuser and the outside cylinder connected with precipitation, precipitation of three-phase separator room, indoor mud gas riser, mud gas riser is connected to the upper end of a three-phase separator II chamber, bottom diffuser, the upper chamber of the three-phase separator tapered tube, the lower the gas collecting hood, gas collecting cover and the outer cylinder expansion joints are arranged between the tube sludge reflux, mud gas riser plate is connected with the outer cylinder supported by the level of horizontal support plate is connected with the water outlet baffle, mud gas riser outside a settling chamber. The invention can realize the effective separation of mud, water, gas, the reactor can remain high sludge concentration, sludge with less water loss, the reactor has high efficiency and high quality effluent; to achieve sludge circulation and strengthen the matrix degradation, to alleviate the negative impact caused by short flow, to ensure the stable operation of the reactor the.





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