
技术编号:14550041 阅读:141 留言:0更新日期:2017-02-04 23:08

Array antenna calibration method, device and system

The embodiment of the invention provides a method, a device and a system for calibrating an array antenna. The calibration method of the invention comprises: determining the antenna array, each array antenna array in the channel group through the wireless interface coupling coefficient calibration calibration method, the element of array antenna is divided into at least two tuple array, the channel corresponding to the antenna array of one or more elements; to determine the channel of each of the array in the group through the cable coupling calibration coefficient calibration method; according to the array calibration factor of the antenna array to determine the group within the group between the calibration coefficients and calibration coefficients, and compensated according to the calibration coefficient of the element of array antenna. The embodiment of the invention improves the calibration precision of the large array antenna system.





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