
技术编号:6050215 阅读:322 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Preparation and application method of heavy oil viscosity reducer containing amphoteric surfactant

A heavy oil containing amphoteric surfactant viscosity reducer preparation method, including the amphoteric surfactant from the Yin and Yang system and containing anionic surfactant EO groups the number of hybrid, since the amphoteric surfactant system: Yin and Yang anionic sulfonate surfactant = 30 ~ 100 to 0 ~ 70, in under normal conditions, in a reaction kettle uniformly stirring to obtain the viscosity reducing agent. Anionic surfactant selected can promote the activity of amphoteric surface self agent emulsion formed network system of yin and Yang, and amphoteric surfactants do not contain benzene, naphthalene and other aromatic ring and high temperature, high interfacial activity and anti salt performance, so it is non-toxic and easy biodegradation, high efficiency advantages; anion at the same time, adding a certain amount of surfactant which can form emulsion network, can increase the viscosity reducing effect and can reduce the dosage of viscosity reducer.





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