
技术编号:22662583 阅读:54 留言:0更新日期:2019-11-28 05:03

Multifrequency array antenna

The embodiment of the application provides a multifrequency array antenna. The multifrequency array antenna includes: a reflector whose front face is an antenna reflector for reflecting electromagnetic waves; a plurality of radiation unit arrays, wherein the first radiation unit array of the plurality of radiation unit arrays corresponds to the first frequency band, and the second radiation unit array of the plurality of radiation unit arrays corresponds to the second frequency band, wherein the first frequency band is less than the second frequency band; and The radiating unit of the radiating unit array is insulated and connected with the reflecting plate where the first radiating unit is located. The multifrequency array antenna according to the embodiment of the application can avoid DC connection between the high frequency array antenna and the low frequency array antenna, or reduce the RF connection between the radiation unit of the high frequency array antenna and the reflection plate. It can effectively avoid parasitic resonance and reduce the size of multi frequency array antenna.





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