
技术编号:20500145 阅读:32 留言:0更新日期:2019-03-03 03:50

Secondary battery cell

The invention provides a secondary battery battery battery battery core, which comprises an anode sheet, an anode ear, a cathode sheet, a cathode ear and an isolation film. The anode sheet includes: an anode collector; and an anode diaphragm. The cathode plate includes cathode collector and cathode diaphragm. The anode sheet is formed as follows: the anode ear receives grooves and the anode ear receives. The cathode plate is formed as follows: the cathode ear receives grooves and the cathode ear receives grooves. The two anode ears of each pair are arranged in pairs, and the two anode ears of each pair are located on the upper and lower sides of the starting section of the anode winding of the anode sheet along the thickness direction of the secondary battery battery battery battery cell, respectively; and/or the cathode ears of each pair are arranged in pairs, and the two cathode ears of each pair are located on the upper and lower sides of the starting section of the cathode winding of the secondary battery cell along the thickness direction of the secondary Thus, the deformation of the secondary battery core during the cyclic charging and discharging process is improved, the DC impedance is reduced, and the energy density of the secondary battery is increased.





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