
技术编号:18844043 阅读:31 留言:0更新日期:2018-09-05 08:58

Infrared light emitting device and mobile terminal

An infrared light emitting device (10) and a mobile terminal (100) in which the infrared light emitting device is applied. The infrared light emitting device (10) includes an infrared light emitter (1) and a lampshade (2), and the lampshade (2) comprises a connected fixing column (21) and a positioning platform (22); the fixing column (21) comprises a relatively arranged light inlet and light outlet surface (211) and a side (212) connected between the light inlet and light outlet surface (211), a light inlet surface connected to a positioning platform (22), and a light outlet surface (211). Far from the positioning platform (22), the side (212) is used to cooperate with the housing (20) of the mobile terminal (100), so that the lampshade (2) is fixed to the housing (20), and the side of the positioning platform (22) away from the stationary column (21) forms a concentrating surface (221), which includes a concave curved surface, and the concentrating surface (221) faces the infrared light emitter (1) to receive the infrared light emitter (1). The infrared light. The infrared light emitting device has strong remote control capability.





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