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技术编号:9616879 阅读:259 留言:0更新日期:2014-01-30 04:01

Combined box shell tube water storage and heating multi tube heat conduction heat exchanger and manufacturing process thereof

A box of shell and tube water storage heating tube heat exchanger and its production process, including more than two cold water pipe, water pipe is communicated with both ends of contact box, joint box comprises a header header inside hole plate, the outer panel and the header end cover; cold water pipe is arranged inside the heating tube or a combination of heating pipe, heating pipe between the heating and / or combination connection between the tube; tube cavity part or all settings and / or combination heating pipe heating pipe water heating circle; inlet connector, and heating pipe heating outlet connections and / or combination of heating tube heat fluid inlet and outlet welding Unicom; cold water inlet joint, a cold water outlet joint and a header cavity Unicom cycle. The invention of heat transfer structure, joint box expansion and contraction pore plate deformation, the seam is not Water Leakage, cold water header body lumen, increasing heat area of 45% to 100%, improve the utilization rate of heat energy, accelerate the rate of heat exchanger, hot water output continuity, to meet the needs of the flow of hot water bath.

1、2008年6月10日申请的专利号:200820024167.1,授权公告2009年6月3日,【专利技术者】张伟, 张冲 申请人:张伟




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