
技术编号:9607632 阅读:130 留言:0更新日期:2014-01-23 09:10

Electrical performance test tool for rotor

The utility model discloses a performance of the rotor electrical test fixture comprises a rotor plate, is arranged on the bottom plate of the mounting seat and fixed on the floor of the two guide posts, the two guide column is provided with a sliding frame and a fixed frame, the fixing frame is provided with a double rod cylinder two, a piston rod of the double rod cylinder is arranged on the electrode test head, the sliding frame is screwed on the adjusting screw, the adjusting screw rod and the fixing frame is connected. The utility model provides a test fixture, the rotor is placed on the rotor seat, then pushed by the cylinder into the fixture, at the same time, the use of double cylinder driven electrode test head movement, is in contact with the two collector ring on the rotating shaft can be fast, efficient and safe completion of rotor electrical performance testing; and, can also according to the actual needs, through the adjustment screw on the electrode test head height adjustment.





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