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技术编号:8974148 阅读:165 留言:0更新日期:2013-07-26 04:14

Self heating heat storage, cold storage air conditioning system and electric vehicle

The utility model relates to a self heating heat storage, cold storage air conditioning system and air conditioning system for electric vehicles, including a storage tank containing cold storage heat storage medium, a heat pump device; one end of the heat pump device is placed in the storage box, the other end of the heat pump device for air circulation channel is placed in the cold or heat inside. The utility model provides heating and cooling, although not as good as the traditional way of traveling in real-time refrigeration and heat way is not convenient, and durable storage, cold storage heat is small, but the general vehicle mileage is short, time is short, the utility model is just perfect to meet the actual needs of this class of models is proposed the storage, storage, storage, economic and social significance and has good application value and time.





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