
技术编号:8928243 阅读:109 留言:0更新日期:2013-07-15 23:58

Laser positioning device for document fine beat instrument

The laser positioning of the utility model discloses a precision instrument document shoot device, which comprises a square base are connected mutually, a supporting rod, a document camera and a laser positioning device, the laser positioning device comprises four laser transmitters, a curved concave plate and fixedly connected with the top part, wherein the the laser transmitter through the curved concave top plate fixed and connected with the connecting piece, and the center of the document camera is arranged on the concave curved surface, and the four laser transmitters are distributed in the document camera around; the utility model by four laser transmitters installed around the fixed in the document camera, electricity in the below table positioning is a shape size A4 red beam frame, provide accurate positioning for the shooting, so shoot The utility model has the advantages of more accurate, easy, rapid and high efficiency. The utility model has the advantages of artful structure, reasonable design, convenient use and wide application.





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