
技术编号:8928217 阅读:204 留言:0更新日期:2013-07-15 23:58

Transmission index test connector for private telephone exchange

The utility model relates to a transmission index test connector for a private telephone exchange. The utility model is composed of two groups of circuits with complete structure, which solves the problem of line connection in testing. Two sets of test connector interface of this program were marked for port Z11, Z12, Z13; Z21, Z22, and Z23, K1 and K2 connected with the test switch; each test circuit connector on each of the two capacitor C11, C21, C12 and C22; each has a current limiting resistor R1 and R2 and each has a coil L1, L2. The connector of the utility model can be used for detecting the transmission index of the telephone exchange. It is connected with the user interface of the telephone switchboard, the transmission tester and the test telephone to realize the transmission index test of the telephone exchange.





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