
技术编号:8928026 阅读:127 留言:0更新日期:2013-07-15 23:52

Audio digital power amplifier system

The utility model discloses a digital audio power amplifier system, including signal input end of the casing and the casing is provided with a signal processing module and the signal output end, a signal input end connected with the signal processing module, signal processing module is connected with the signal output end of the signal processing module, a gain control circuit, PWM circuit, power amplifier circuit the switch selection circuit, LED display circuit and the radiating component; the utility model is audio power pulse width modulation digital signal amplification system based on its light weight, strong output power, and can be suitable for various occasions, and the LED display circuit of the machine and the power amplifier gain real-time monitoring, so that the operator can more convenient to control the operation of the machine, and the digital audio power amplifier system with heat dissipating components, can protect the machine for a long time. Full work.





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