
技术编号:77873 阅读:164 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40
一种电烤箱,其特征在于,包括:    箱体,其内部形成加热室,该加热室用于放置被加热物,其一面开口,用于安装电烤箱门;所述加热室的上板具有由若干通孔密布形成阵列的上进热口,与所述加热室开口相对的加热室后板具有由若干通孔密布为阵列形成的后进热口,以及由若干通孔密布为圆形形成的出风口;其中出风口的位置高于后进热口的位置;    第一加热器,安装于加热室上板外侧与上进热口正对的位置;    第二加热器,安装于加热室后板外侧与后进热口正对的位置;    风扇,安装于加热室后板外侧与出风口正对的位置;该风扇可将加热室内部的空气吸出。(*该技术在2015年保护过期,可自由使用*)

Electric oven

An electric oven, which is characterized in that includes a housing formed inside the heating chamber, the heating chamber for heating is placed, the side opening, for the installation of electric oven door; on the board of the heating chamber is formed by upper heating array with a plurality of through holes, and the heating chamber opening the heating chamber plate has a plurality of through holes by the clouds as a backward thermal array formed by several via holes, and the formation of clouds is circular air outlet; the air outlet is higher than the backward heat outlet; the first heater installed in the heating chamber on the outside of the plate and is opposite to the upper heating inlet; second heater installed in the heating chamber, the rear lateral and backward heat mouth to position; fan installed in the heating chamber and the air outlet on the rear lateral position; the The fan can suck out the air in the heating chamber.





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