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根结线虫病是世界范围内发生的一种重要的植物寄生线虫病害(Kery B R. An assessment of progress toward microbial control of plant parasitic nematode. Journal of Nematology,1990,22(4S) :621-631. Stirling G R. Biological control of plant parasitic nematodes :progress,problems and prospects. Wallingford :CABI, 1991 :106-108.)。近年来,我国由于根结线虫的为害给农业生产造成了严重损失,特别是北方保护地种植的茄科和葫芦科蔬菜(沈镝,李锡香,冯兰香,王海平,宋江萍,杨翠荣, 龚会芝.葫芦科蔬菜种质资源对南方根结线虫的抗性评价.植物遗传资源学报,2007, 8(3) :340-342.)。根结线虫寄主范围广,目前尚缺少抗根结线虫的商品化作物品种而且与非寄主植物轮作的措施在保护地难以施^smenjaud D,Voisin R,Van G C,Bosselut N, Lafargue B, Di Vito Μ, Dirlewanger Ε, Po e ssel J L, Kleinhentz Μ. Genetic dissection of resistance to root-knot nomatodes Meloidogyne spp. in plum,peach, almond and apricot from various segregating interspecific Prunus progenies. Tree Genetics and Genomes,2009,5 :279-289. Dube B, Smart G C. Biological control of Meloidogyne incognita by Paecilomyces lilacinus and Pasteuria Penetrans. Journal of Nematology, 1987,19 (2) :222-227.)。采用传统熏蒸性或非熏蒸性的化学杀线剂防治根结线虫病,由于土壤残留和环境破坏等原因,已经或即将被禁用,迄今为止生产上尚无安全有效防治根结线虫病害措施。寻找和探索根结线虫可持续治理措施的有效途径,解决目前根结线虫控制问题,除加强抗线育种和抗线砧木的研究和利用外,土壤微生态调控和生物防治微生物的释放是国内外研究和应用的热点。生物防治是根结线虫可持续治理的核心内容之一 (Kery B R. An assessment of progress toward microbial control of plant parasitic nematode. Journal of Nematology,1990,22(4S) :621-631. Stirling G R. Biological control of plant parasitic nematodes progress, problems and prospects. Wallingford :CABI,1991 :106-108. Atkins S D,Hidalgo-Diaz L,Kalisz H, Mauchline T H,Hirsch P R,Kerry B R. Development of a new management strategy for the control of root-knot nematodes(Meloidogyne spp)in organic vegetable production. Pest Management Science,2003,59 :183-189.)。J l^^^tM Lecanicillium psalliotae (syn. Verticillium psalliotae) MM 结或胞囊类线虫的生物防治具有重要的应用潜力。Gams & Zare根据形态学特征及ITS 序列比较分析,将刀孢蜡蚧菌从轮枝菌属中分离出来,定名为刀孢蜡蚧菌(Zare R,Gams W. Arevision of Verticilliumsection Prostrata. IV. The genera Lecanicillium and Simplicium gen. nov. Nova Hedwigia,2001,73 (1) :1-50.)。该菌寄主范围很广,既能寄生根结线虫卵(Zare R, Gams W. A revision of Verticillium section Prostrata. IV. The genera Lecanicillium and Simplicium gen.nov. Nova Hedwigia,2001, 73(1) 1-50. Nicole M V, George S A. Fungi Parasitic on Juveniles and Egg Masses of Meloidogyne hapla in Organic Soils from New York.Supplement to the Journal of Nematology,1998,30(4S) :632-638.甘中伟,杨金奎,陶南,黄静文,张克勤.刀孢轮枝菌胞外几丁质酶的基因克隆及系统发育分析.菌物学报,2008,27 (3) :368-376.)、胞囊类线虫(Zare R,Gams W. A revision of Verticillium section Prostrata. IV. The genera Lecanicillium and Simplicium gen. nov. Nova Hedwigia,2001,73 (1) :1-50.) 和腐生线虫(Yang J K,Huang X W,Tian B Y,Wang M,Niu Q H,Zhang K Q. Isolation and characterization ofa serine protease from the nematophagous fungus, Lecanicillium psalliotae,displaying nematicidal activity. Biotechnology Letters,2005,27 :1123-1128.),也能寄生大豆锈病等多种病原真菌(Saksirira W, Hoppe H. Secretion of Extracellular Enzymes by Verticillium psalliotae Treschow and Verticillium lecanii (Zimm.)Viegas During Growth on Uredospores of 本文档来自技高网...


1.一种刀孢蜡蚧菌菌株,其特征在于该菌株是刀孢蜡蚧菌Lecanicillium psalliotae,于2011年10月18日保藏在中国微生物菌种保藏管理委员会普通微生物中心 CGMCC,保藏编号为CGMCC NO :5329。2.根据权利要求1所述的刀孢蜡蚧菌菌株,其特征在于所述的刀孢蜡蚧菌菌株在PDA 培养基培养IOd直径为56 61mm,正面观白色棉状,菌落背面红色或紫红色,3 5d产生红色或粉红色色素,色素扩散到琼脂内;瓶梗细胞着生于菌丝形成的葡匐分生孢子梗上,单生或3 4根轮生,大小为13. 70 32. 03(23.对士3. 75) ymXl. 16 2. 40(1. 76 士 0. 21) μ m,基部较粗至尖端逐渐变细;瓶梗顶端形成与瓶梗垂直的镰刀形大分生孢子,镰刀形的大分生孢子弯曲,具有尖锐的末端, 大小为 4. 15 7. 5...


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