
技术编号:6093305 阅读:190 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Working method and device for virtual network unit

The embodiment of the invention provides a working method and a device for a virtual network unit, relating to the field of communication technology, in order to improve the reliability of the work of the virtual network unit. The operating method for the virtual network unit, including: the master node through the control channel messages to other nodes send heartbeat which includes the other nodes and slave nodes, the heartbeat message includes a master node identifier is used to notify the other node, the master node is in normal working condition; the other the node receives the heartbeat messages through the heartbeat message that the master node is in normal working condition; when the slave node within a specified time not receiving the heartbeat message, the establishment of the master node again from the node and the node from the control channel; when the preparation of nodes the heartbeat message is not received within the specified time, the preparation for the new master node switching node. The invention can be used in a virtual trunking routing system.





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