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技术编号:6090521 阅读:224 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Building intercom system based on distributed real time control

The building intercom system of the invention discloses a distributed real-time control system, including the main network and sub network, each CAN bus intelligent node in the system is equipped with a building within the network, sub network using the RS-485 bus network, the CAN bus intelligent node is responsible for the building of sub network and CAN bus network outside the main building the data exchange, switch and also for audio and video channels; the CAN bus intelligent node using DSP embedded microprocessor ECAN module, the ECAN module to send and receive information is based on the mailbox, each message can be configured to send or receive mail. The invention adopts hierarchical distributed control principle, DSP speed and CAN bus communication, real-time high reliability and maintainability of the effective combination of its reliable work, good anti-interference, can fully meet the needs of Engineering application.





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