
技术编号:6073331 阅读:523 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Network management device and method for managing idle time of ODUflex frame

The embodiment of the invention discloses a network management device and a method for managing the idle time slot of the ODUflex frame. The method comprises: carrying other services for the ODUflex business use of reserved idle bandwidth, and to determine whether the path of carrying ODUflex business office of a chain section of the idle bandwidth to meet increased ODUflex traffic bandwidth demand; if not satisfied by the path and record the alternate path information for the chain sections of the Business Computing, the backup path the information includes the calculation of the alternate path backup path of business; in response to increasing ODUflex bandwidth instruction, standby path information recording, the business section of the bearing the chain switch to the standby path corresponding to the alternate path according to the information, to make idle bandwidth to meet the increasing ODUflex bandwidth demand; and chain section adjustment and path bandwidth adjustment, thereby increasing the bandwidth of ODUflex. The above method of managing free time slots can reduce bandwidth waste and prevent a lack of bandwidth when adjusting ODUflex traffic bandwidth.





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