
技术编号:6072653 阅读:401 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Adaptive vertical handoff method based on RSS change trend

Adaptive vertical handoff method based on the RSS trend of a kind of wireless network technology, by setting the current service network switching threshold, set the threshold for each candidate switching network; received signal strength and measuring the current service network and all the candidate network and the current value of the service network round-trip delay value after normalization to generate the signal intensity and time delay sequence sequence; then the signal strength sequence and time delay sequence respectively after averaging all the network to update the network evaluation value, and the switching threshold and the switching threshold is optimized, the realization of adaptive vertical handoff. The invention uses the linear weighting method to evaluate the heterogeneous network, and simultaneously adjusts the handover decision threshold adaptively according to the changing tendency of the received signal strength, and realizes fast and accurate vertical switching.





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