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技术编号:6064727 阅读:178 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Fast inter layer prediction selection method for scalable video coding

The invention discloses a scalable video encoding fast inter layer prediction method, including: to predict the macroblock level inter layer motion correlation and spatial correlation of motion using macroblock mode information to predict the block level inter layer motion correlation and spatial correlation of motion between the motion vector and the predicted vector according to the distance. Correlation of macroblock level and block level fast inter layer motion prediction; prediction in the use of inter layer residual condition, adopting the steps of interlayer motion prediction, motion search results; then, use the search results without the use of motion estimation of inter layer residual prediction and inter layer residual macro forecast two cases of distortion and encoding bit numbers, and two case of rate distortion cost ratio; according to the rate distortion cost ratio and inter layer residual The correlation between predictions was quickly chosen. The invention effectively reduces the complexity of inter layer prediction selection without losing image quality.





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