
技术编号:6052832 阅读:212 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Method and system for generating electronic map of mobile terminal

The invention relates to a method for generating mobile terminal electronic map and system, the method includes: Step 1, collecting relevant information corresponding to the mobile terminal users from the network; step 2, the relevant information of the user through data mining analysis, obtains the user characteristic information, according to the ordinary individual layer the characteristic information determine the corresponding user; step 3, the mobile terminal sends the received including electronic map query area after the request, to obtain the common map data layer and the basic layer of personalized mobile terminal query in the area from the electronic map database storing map data; step 4, will integrate the map data the common layer and basic layer for personalized electronic map, sent to the mobile terminal. The invention can provide personalized electronic map for users based on user characteristic information.





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