
技术编号:6051048 阅读:206 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Image processing apparatus, image processing method, and computer program

The invention relates to an image processing device, a method and a computer program for improving the legibility of watermark characters in a watermark character synthesis copy. Overlap judgment unit (510) using image data of the watermark image and a scanning unit (20) reads the image data scanned image, the watermark image and the judgment in the overlapping scan image, watermark watermark character and character is due to pixel scanning image watermark image as the value of the specified pixel values above overlap and identification difficult. When it is difficult to judge the watermark character, the watermark image generating unit (503) generates a modified watermark image to correct the watermark image so as to improve the identification of the watermark character. A composite image generating unit (508) generates a composite image of overlapping modified watermark images and scanned images. The print unit (30) forms the composite image on the print medium.





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