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技术编号:6047266 阅读:148 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Image forming apparatus, image forming apparatus, control method, and program

An image forming apparatus, an image forming apparatus, a control method, and a program are provided. The imaging device includes a control unit. The control unit switches between daytime mode and night mode. In daytime mode, the image capture is performed while the infrared isolation filter is placed on the optical path, and the image capture is performed in the night mode while the infrared isolation filter is removed from the optical path. After from day to night mode mode conversion mode, at night, when the amount of incident light is reduced, the control unit immediately start from zero increase the radiation intensity of infrared radiation part, and the gain is maintained at a first gain value. When the radiation intensity reaches the maximum value, the amount of incident light is further reduced, and the control section begins to increase the gain from the first gain value.





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