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技术编号:2783152 阅读:204 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Temperature regulating device for miniature sample room

The invention relates to a miniature sample room temperature regulating device. It comprises a sample chamber and a built-in refrigeration heat component main body and the external circulating water cooling tank and control system; built-in refrigeration heat components for semiconductor refrigeration and heat radiating bottom plate attached to the sample on the inner wall of the outer box; circulating cooling water through the water inlet pipe and heat plate connected; temperature sensor control system the real sample chamber by data acquisition card is connected to the computer, the computer control signal output connected to the controller, the controller controls the semiconductor refrigeration heat sink and circulating water cooling box. The invention is small in size and can be used as a micro temperature regulating device for temperature regulation in a sample room. The utility model has the advantages of environmental protection and energy saving, and the range of temperature regulation can reach 10 DEG C to 55 DEG C.





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